Online Nursing Resources

 One of the most common misconceptions of expectant or new mothers is that breastfeeding is always easy. That is why so many give up. If one receives the right help and support in the first few months, most every new mother will be successful at breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding your baby is beautiful. It's an art. It's a skill. It's a relationship between you and your baby. It isn't always easy. You must learn your baby, and your baby must learn you.
**Disclaimer: These links contain pictures or videos of BOOBIES! Yes, bare breasts just like you and I have. Don't be ashamed of learning how to use them the way God intended to nourish your baby. Many moms need help with the art of breastfeeding in the first few months. I hope you can glean the wonderful information shared in these links!**
Here are a few of my favorite online nursing resources:

These videos on common breast feeding issues helped me tremendously when my son was a newborn! Sometimes you just need to see it done:
La Leche League has been an awesome resource as well. Here you will find information on almost every question about breastfeeding:
If you need immediate breastfeeding help, La Leche League has free lactation consultants just about everywhere. When my son was born, I was having extreme pain on one side of my breast. I called my LLL leader in tears at 10pm one night. She came to my house and helped me figure the problem out. It was nothing I was doing wrong, I had thrush on my breast. We caught it soon enough and it was treated with natural methods and everything went smoothly after that. Here is a link to find a LLL consultant near you:
LLL also has a wonderful monthly meeting. I started going while I was pregnant. It was so helpful to have other mothers to talk about common concerns. Many of the moms also have other great group recommendations.
I hope these links can help you just as much as they have helped me. Enjoy!

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